Yes, whilst complying with all the following provisos:
- applicant must not have not been a member of a US community for at least one year
- applicant must not have any outstanding fees from previous synagogue
- applicant does not have any outstanding payment
If an applicant is under 40, no FES catch-up fees are needed.
If an applicant is over 40 (previous member and left over five years ago), and wants to join FES, they will need to pay:
- FES entrance fee (consideration will be taken into account for previous FES payments made)
If an applicant is over 40 (left within five years) they will need to pay:
- the amount equivalent to the missing FES payments for the years that they have not been a member (e.g. if 5 years, they need to pay , 5 x FES rate), and
- a fee determined by the local community FR to account for the years of missing membership