Development for both Rabbis and Rebbetzens is run through our Centre for Rabbinic Excellence (CRE).

Formally launched by the Chief Rabbi in June 2022, the Centre’s aim is to attract, develop and retain outstanding leaders who motivate people to engage in their Judaism. It works with the United Synagogue’s Community team to put rabbinic recruitment, training and development at the very centre of our communal agenda by delivering broad, ambitious, coherent and continuous training.

CRE aims to build a collegiate, self-supporting rabbinate, where all our rabbis and rebbetzens participate in ongoing learning and development, giving them space to reflect, opportunities for growth, and tools and methodologies to employ day-to-day. We want them to follow personalised development pathways, to support them in their roles as successful spiritual leaders and fulfilled individuals through their entire careers.

The CRE is led by Rabbi Nicky Liss who is also rabbi of Highgate United Synagogue. Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury is the associate director of the CRE in addition to his role as senior rabbi of Hendon United Synagogue and Judy Markovic is the Centre’s Programming and Rebbezen Coordinator.

To contact the CRE, email

Rabbis and Rebbetzens are also supported by the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue (RCUS), the professional association of the United Synagogue Rabbinate and the Rebbetzens’ Representatives of the United Synagogue (RRUS). You can find out more about RCUS and RRUS below.

The Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue (RCUS) is the professional association of the United Synagogue Rabbinate. Its key objective is to support and promote the well-being and success of Rabbis and their families within their local Communities and across the US as a whole.

As well as representing the interests of Rabbis in conversations with US Trustees and Head Office, RCUS also supports the personal and professional development of Rabbis and their families through a range of activities including an annual Conference.

RCUS has an elected organising committee which meets regularly and consists of an Executive and Committee plus a part-time, Assistant Executive Director, Rabbi Nick Kett. Our Rabbinate is committed to the core values of the US’s mission and our Executive meets with the Chief Rabbi, the Dayanim of the London Beth Din and the US Chief Executive on a regular basis.

RCUS Rabbis are also represented at meetings of US Trustees and input into US Education and Programmes.

RCUS enjoys a particularly close working relationship with the Centre for Rabbinic Excellence. In so doing, we hope and anticipate that this joint co-operation will ensure career-long dynamism, sensitivity, integrity, compassion, effectiveness and professionalism among US Rabbis.

For all RCUS Enquiries please contact either Rabbi Nick Kett, Assistant Executive Director, via or Rabbi Pinchas Hackenbroch, Chair, via

The Rebbetzens’ Representatives of the United Synagogue was formed to build a community of Rebbetzens, connecting them to share ideas and support each other.

Being a Rebbetzen is not a one-size-fits-all position and much more complex than just being the wife of the Rabbi. RRUS was formed to support our Rebbetzens, recognising the unique position and challenges that Rebbetzens have and seeing the need for the voices of the Rebbetzens to be heard to positively impact and enhance across the United Synagogue and beyond.

Rebbetzen Jacqueline Feldman, Senior Rebbetzen of Bushey United Synagogue is the elected Chair.

RRUS works closely with RCUS and with the support of the Chief Rabbi and the London Beth Din.

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