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Aleph Champ Set of Flashcards


The Aleph Champ Programme is an exciting Hebrew reading scheme based on the karate motivational system of colours, levels and tests. The entire reading system is divided into nine coloured levels. This arrangement ensures that students learn to read Hebrew in an efficient, well organised and structured manner. The children are motivated to pass each level by collecting wristbands of each colour.

The programme consists of nine reading books, eight workbooks, 6 sets of flashcards, a script workbook, wristbands for each colour and a homework diary. At the beginning of each reading book there is a clear learning objective stating what the child should gain from each level and a test at the back of each book to ensure that students only progress to a new level once they have mastered the previous one. This helps to avoid the common problem of children learning to read without fully mastering a letter, vowel or principle of reading.

There are six sets of flashcards orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and brown. Each set consists of 20 cards and can be used to practise words that are covered in the corresponding reading book of that colour.

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