Young US provides a welcoming space for young adults aged 21–32 to connect, socialise, meet new people, learn new skills and build a strong community.

We host a variety of events, programmes and trips, ranging from Friday night dinners to midweek socials and exciting getaways. With activities hosted across various locations, we strive to bring events closer to your community.

Stay Connected!

  • Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on all the latest happenings.
  • Join our WhatsApp group for event announcements and conversations.

You can also search for upcoming events hosted by our communities here.

Get Involved!

Have a question, want to get involved, or have an idea for an event you’d like us to host? Contact Shevi at shevigrunewald@youngus.org.uk.

If you are single and aged 21-29 you may be eligible for Young US Membership for just £7 a month (over ten months or £70 for one annual payment).

As a Young US Member, you’ll become a full member of your local United Synagogue. You will also have access to a range of exciting events, including Friday night dinners, pub nights, trips abroad, speaker events and enjoy discounts and other exclusive perks at selected events.

Strike a Match

If you are looking for support as a Jewish single or know of someone else who is keen to find their bashert please email Judy Ginsbury, Senior Rebbetzen at Hendon United Synagogue at singles@theus.org.uk or phone 020 8202 5514.

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